Custody Modifications
Several circumstances may necessitate custody agreement modifications. As children age, their needs change, and unexpected life events or the lack of cooperation of either parent may also lead one or both parents to seek legal counsel to alter the original agreement.
Other Reasons for Custody Modifications
If one parent ceases to provide a safe environment for the child, such as by dating someone with a criminal past perhaps, he or she could lose custody. Conversely, a parent who has overcome addiction, for example, then may be deemed safe and regain some custody rights.
Custody agreements can also change based on scheduling needs or preferences. Alterations to work or school schedules may necessitate a better custody arrangement. An adolescent may want the schedule changed to accommodate extra-curricular activities or work.
Changing Custody Agreements
Modifications to a custody agreement typically can be made easily with the support of the other parent. If both parents have children’s best interest at heart and are successfully co-parenting, a simple discussion of what will work best for everyone’s calendars and requesting a legal modification will suffice.
Other situations may require a mediator’s or judge’s assistance. Stallings Family Law can help in creating the modified agreement, filing the relevant paperwork, and presenting the case to court.